Partnership with Renasai helps to employ local labour


MYCO has partnered with Renasai, an organisation which excels in increasing employment opportunities for refugees, including through providing access to construction sites, recruitment of operatives and placements for highly skilled professionals.

We hope to work with our subcontractors to place as many of Renasai’s candidates as possible at local sites. We will also endeavour to take on one highly skilled worker through Renasai’s Transition programme, placing them in our offices or at our construction sites. We expect this to be a long-lasting relationship, which will be of great benefit for local communities, the construction industry, and those with limited opportunities to get on the career ladder.

“MYCO wants to do what it can to support thriving local economies and resilient communities. For those who find themselves marginalised and with little access to employment, we can make a difference.” said Michael Murphy, Director.

As an employer with a social conscience, MYCO cannot be indifferent to what goes on in the world. We have been moved by recent refugee crises, from those displaced by the civil war in Syria to the Calais refugee camp. Many of the refugees that have made the UK their home are talented, highly qualified individuals that deserve a chance to exercise their skills and competencies. We wish to increase the life chances for refugees settled in this country and through our leadership persuade other companies in the construction sector to follow suit.

We work with many partners and subcontractors, which help us to source, train and employ local labour. This enables us to access hard to reach communities, and to better realise our desire to give back to the local communities we work with. Many of our partners assist us in matching local labour with local projects throughout London, and in doing so amplify the contribution we make in reducing social exclusion and bringing talented people back into the labour market.
